Stuck in first gear – the Government’s Cycling Revolution
- Strong ambition to see a cycling revolution
- Greater investment in cycling
- Clear direction that cycling is a national priority
- Robust measures to gauge progress nationally and locally
- Improving quality of cycle infrastructure design
- Deregulation of street design
- An updated Highway Code
- Action to improve enforcement of traffic laws
Alex Chalk, MP for Cheltenham (Con) and Co-Chair of the group, said: ‘Cycling has huge advantages – it is healthy, efficient, reliable, green and fun. When more people cycle, society benefits.’
‘It is high time we kick-started a true cycling revolution, one that reaches beyond the lycra brigade and benefits all parts of society – particularly women and children.’
Ruth Cadbury, MP for Brentford and Isleworth (Lab) and Co-Chair of the group said: ‘The real test of whether something is taken seriously in Government is who leads on it – and that means the Prime Minister has to take that lead and follow through on his pledge to create a cycling revolution’
‘We can achieve similar levels of cycling to our European neighbours, if there is the political will up and down the country to do this. There are good examples of better conditions for cycling around the country, but it must not be a postcode lottery’
(photo: Ruth Cadbury MP & Alex Chalk MP)
APPCG Inquiry – Stuck in first gear – the Government’s Cycling Revolution