
AGM Minutes

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Wednesday 20th July 2016 09:30

Room O, Portcullis House

1.         Attendees – Lord Berkeley, Baroness Barker, Ruth Cadbury MP, Alex Chalk MP, Fabian Hamilton MP, Meg Hillier MP, Lord Young, Adam Coffman (Secretariat and minute taker)

Apologies –  Ian Austin MP, Steve Brine MP, Lord Haskel, Bernard Jenkin MP, Caroline Lucas MP, Catherine West MP, Philippa Whitford MP, Sarah Wollaston MP,

2.         Elections of Officers:

Co-chairs – Ruth Cadbury MP and Alex Chalk MP

Secretary – Lord Young of Norwood Green

Treasurer – Fabian Hamilton MP

Patrons – Ian Austin MP and Ben Bradshaw MP

Officers – Lord Berkeley, Baroness Barker, Meg Hillier MP,  Sarah Wollaston MP

3     Funding tiers for Associate Members for 2016/2017.  A preliminary discussion was had about this issue, but it was decided to convene a meeting of the Committee in September to finalise the tiers.

4     Future activities of the group – study tour, mini-inquiry, meetings  The Study Tour to Manchester has been confirmed for the 23rd September.

The Secretariat to explore the possibility of an inquiry into the justice received for people who have been killed or seriously injured, whilst cycling.

Meetings to be arranged:

– Potential funders

– Annual Policy meeting with funders

– Women and cycling

– A trade event to promote the success of British made cycles, and cycle related products

5     AOB  Alex Chalk requested that we mark Lord Berekley’s exceptional contribution to this group as Secretary for the last 10 years.

Letters to Patrick McLoughlin and Robert Goodwill to thank them for supporting the group whilst they were Ministers at the DfT and to Andrew Jones who is the new Minister responsible for cycling. A meeting with Andrew Jones should be requested for the autumn.

Letter from the Chairs and other committee members to Chris Boardman, sending condolences following the death of his mother.

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