
Public Health Minister to give evidence to ‘Get Britain Cycling’ Inquiry (press release)

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Witnesses will give evidence about the local perspective of cycling when the fifth session of the All Party Parliamentary Cycling Group Inquiry is held tomorrow.

The Minister for Public Health, representatives from  local authorities, transport bodies and cycle campaign groups will present evidence on what can be done in our local communities to increase cycling levels. One witness panel, which includes a representative a London Assembly Member and Transport for London, will discuss how the capital is tackling cycling.

The Inquiry – which is backed by the major cycling organisations – is seeking views on how the government can help get more people cycling by making it safer and more accessible.

There will be a live audio feed at and a live blog at

 Wednesday’s session will be attended five panels of witnesses including:

  • Anna Soubry MP, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State at the Department of Health
  • Caroline Pidgeon AM, from the London Assembly Transport Committee
  • Transport for London
  • Local Government Association
  • Cyclenation
  • Cambridge Cycling Campaign
  • Association of Train Operating Companies (ATOC)
  • Transport for Greater Manchester
  • London Cycling Campaign
  • Transport for London
  • Borough Cycle Officers Group
  • Campaign to Protect Rural England (CPRE)
  • Devon County Council
  • Leicester City Council

The session will be held at the House of Commons in Committee Room 13 between 9.00 and 11.30am.

The remaining final inquiry session on March 4th  (14:00) will focus on the government’s role in the cycling debate, including the need for leadership, cross-departmental cooperation and ambitious targets. Transport Ministers Norman Baker and Stephen Hammond will be giving evidence



< Isabel Dedring, London's Deputy Mayor (presentation)‘Get Britain Cycling’ – fifth evidence session, live blog >