
AGM May 2021

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All-Party Parliamentary Group for Cycling and Walking (APPGCW)


Friday the 14th of May – 10am – 10.30am



Baroness Jenkin of Kennington

Darren Henry MP

Fabian Hamilton MP

Fleur Anderson MP

Lord Haskel

Lord Lucas

Lord Russell of Liverpool

Lord Young of Norwood Green

Meg Hillier MP

Lord Bates

Peter Bottomley MP

Ruth Cadbury MP

Selaine Saxby MP

Jack Mayorcas, Fusion Media

Adam Coffman, APPGCW Secretariat

Office of Feryal Clark MP

Lord Butler




Lord Berkekey

Layla Moran

Daniel Zeichner



Introduction from Selaine Saxby MP


Ruth Cabdury MP

  • Just wanted to say that our last proper formal AGM was in 2019.
  • The Government has transformed its policy on cycling and walking.
  • We are in a transformed environment in terms of cycling and walking. The main challenge – is how to combat the small and vociferous minority of people who oppose measures to improve cycling and walking.
  • Hope people today will get the chance to contribute what we have done and what we should be doing.


Selaine Saxby MP

  • Active travel champion for the Conservative Environment Network.
  • A lot of successes have been in towns and cities.
  • This week in Selaine’s constituent the first e-scooter trial was launched.
  • Trying to get people out of cars when your nearest supermarket is 20 miles away is a challenge.


Adam Coffman

  • Took everyone through the activity report.

Income and Expenditure Statement – Fabian Hamilton MP

  • Delighted to tell members we brought forward a balance from last year.
  • The group asks for money for affiliations from outside bodies including commercial organisations and trade bodies.
  • Outgoings include staffing and external support from Fusion Media.
  • Thus far Fusion has helped us enormously in terms of getting affiliations and members.
  • The income and expenditure statement was unanimously approved.


Adam Coffman proposed the new committee (detailed below)

  • Requested that Fleur Anderson MP and Peter Bottomley MP.
  • The new committee was unanimously approved.


Adam Coffman took us through the activity plan for the next year.


Fleur Anderson MP

  • My two issues to raise are – the need to have cycle hangars alongside cycle lanes and learn from councils who have put lots in successfully. Ours hasn’t.


Darren Henry MP

  • Getting lots of casework about e-scooters.
  • The APPGCW held a meeting on this and is writing to Rachel Maclean MP about the issue of private e-scooters.


Meg Hillier MP

  • The perennial issue of bikes on trains please. The Williams Review of Rail is due by end of the month so it’s good time to push
  • There is a whole issue about rolling stock and how it is commissioned.
  • If we want to have proper integrated travel this is the bit that is missing still.
  • Selaine is more than happy to raise this with the Minister.


Adam Coffman

  • e-scooters high on the agenda.


Lord Bates

  • Proposing having a walk and talk meeting close to Parliament.


Ruth thanked everyone for their contributions and is looking forward to working with everyone. We have to think about Parliamentary activity and how we can best influence policy.




APPGCW committee

New members in italics



Ruth Cadbury MP (Lab)

Selaine Saxby MP (Con)



Nickie Aiken MP (Con)

Feyral Clark MP (Lab)

Simon Fell MP  (Con)

Layla Moran MP (LD)

Lord Young of Norwood Green MP (Lab)



Fabian Hamilton MP (Lab)



Fleur Anderson MP (Lab)

Baroness Barker (LD)

Peter Bottomley MP (Con)

Lord Bates (Con)

Lilian Greenwood MP (Lab)

Meg Hillier MP (Lab)

Darren Henry MP (Con)

Paul Howell MP (Con)

Baroness Jenkin of Kennington (Con)

Rachael Maskell MP (Lab)

Lord Russell of Liverpool (Crossbench)

Lord Robathan (Con)

Matt Western MP (Lab)

Daniel Zeichner MP (Lab)




Lord Austin of Dudley (Non-affiliated)

Lord Berkeley (Lab)

Ben Bradshaw MP (Lab)

Lord Young of Cookham (Con)









Income and expenditure statement 2020-21

Period covered by this statement: April 2020-April 2021


A. Balance brought forward from previous year:



B. Income received during the year:
i. Membership subscriptions (parliamentarians) 0
ii. Monetary donations (including external subscriptions and sponsorship)  22,500
iii. Trading income  
iv. Interest received  
v. Other (please explain)  


TOTAL income 22,500



C. Expenditure during the year:
i. Employment costs (salaries, NI, pensions costs )  
ii. Costs of contractors and freelance staff  23,643
iii. Visits and events (UK)  
iv. Visits and events (abroad)  
v. Cost of generating income  
vi. Office and communications costs  
vii. Other (please explain)  
TOTAL expenditure 23,643
D. Balance carried forward ( A+ total B-total C) 1739



E. Value of benefits in kind received from each source during the reporting year (in bands of up to £1,500; £1,501-£3,000; £3,001 to £4,500; £4,501 to £6,000 etc )


Please itemise according to the source and band

Signed by Chair of Group:



Date: 14/5/21



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